EAF-Nansen Programme

#EAFNansen Ghana survey: Meet the team on board

Hello everyone, it’s Fabio here again from on board the Nansen. Today I’m introducing my fellow scientists onboard, all of whom are from Ghana with the exception of Peter and me, who are joining the survey trip from FAO Headquarters in Rome.

I would also like to point out that the Nansen project has a clear gender policy. Scientists from the countries being surveyed are selected for each voyage, and there is always a strong gender balance on these trips. Since there is a lot of emphasis on encouraging young women to enter scientific fields, these women marine researchers on board are an excellent example of women working in the sector – and hopefully an inspiration to young girls in school dreaming of a career in marine biology and marine research!

Since we’re thrilled to have you travelling along with us virtually on this voyage, we’d like to introduce you to some of the crew:

Abena Serwah Asante
Jones Tetteh
Richmond Quartey
Eunice Nuerkie Ofoli-Anum
Samantha Vida Osei

Abena Serwah Asante

Hello everyone! My name is Abena Serwah Asante and I am from the Fisheries Scientific Survey Division of the Fisheries Commission of Ghana. I am the co-cruise leader and my role is to assist the cruise leader in leading the team for this survey.

I also assist the scientific team in the sampling, sorting, and weighing of the fish and the entering of this data into the NANSIS database housed on board.

The survey has allowed me to acquire hands-on experience in fisheries surveys to estimate fish biomass and abundance. I’ve also witnessed the threatening amount of waste in our waters and was alarmed at the potential impact this will have on the fisheries and food safety of Ghana.

Sound policies to manage our marine resources depend on scientific research. Having more and varied research based on scientific principles is very important.

Young people willing to participate in this effort should find their areas of interest and work hard in those areas to improve the knowledge of our marine ecosystem.

Jones Tetteh

My name is Jones Tetteh and I work in the Fisheries Scientific Survey Division of the Fisheries Commission of Ghana.

I am on board the Nansen to study the hydrography and zooplankton of the Ghanaian waters and to assist in entering trawl data into the NANSIS database.

I also take part in the activities during the sampling, sorting, and weighing of fishes.

The estimated biomass index of the various species will help me very catch records, trends, and values when I am back at the office.

I strongly believe that young people, who have an interest in fisheries, marine biology, or oceanography, may find the experience of living on board a research vessel like the Nansen to be a great opportunity to learn from each other.

Richmond Quartey

My name is Richmond Quartey and I am from the Fisheries Scientific Survey Division of the Fisheries Commission of Ghana.

I am on board the Nansen to assist with the identification of marine species and to use the field experience I have acquired from my previous participation on Nansen surveys. I have recently completed a survey report from my participation in a regional programme and so I am interested in comparing the results we had from that survey with those from this Nansen survey.

In my opinion, any young person who chooses fisheries or marine biology as a profession should have a passion for the job.

Therefore I would like to encourage them to pursue their passion, as I did over the years, with fisheries research and participating in research cruises like this one. For my personal interests, I have a vast musical collection of jazz, reggae, and indigenous music that I like to share with my fellow participants on board.

Eunice Nuerkie Ofoli-Anum

My name is Eunice Nuerkie Ofoli-Anum and I work at the Fisheries Scientific Survey Division of the Fisheries Commission of Ghana.

My main role on this research cruise is to lead the watch team I am part of and to participate in the sampling, sorting, and identification of fish activities. I am also in charge of zooplankton and chlorophyll sampling made during the survey.

As an oceanographer, this research cruise offers me the opportunity to learn some aspects of the fishery and marine life that in my daily work I wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to experience.

During this survey, I am committed to adhere to and execute the agreed plan based on the time I have. Overall, I am trying to achieve the aim and objectives of the research.

If I need to advise young people to pursue a similar path, I would say it is all about passion and willing to say: “I want to learn, I want to understand the marine environment, I want to do something different”. So, if the chance comes, grab and pursue it!

Samantha Vida Osei

My name is Samantha Vida Osei and I work at the Fisheries Scientific Survey Division of the Fisheries Commission of Ghana.

My main role in this research cruise is to sample and identify fishes and aquatic species from the trawls. I am also assisting the entering of data into the NANSIS database.

Since the objective of this survey is to estimate the abundance of the fish stocks in Ghanaian waters, the results from the survey will eventually throw more light on the state of the fish resources which will be helpful for sustainable management.

The fisheries resources should be managed for posterity. So I would encourage everyone willing to pursue a similar objective to make any effort to improve his/her knowledge on fisheries and fisheries management.

What interests me the most during this survey is how the spatial distribution of catch data can be used to give an effective presentation of habitat preferences for some species. This will be very helpful to managers.

Here we are, all together before departure:

We’ve had lots of inspiring words from the crew encouraging young people interested in entering this scientific field of study to pursue their dreams. Now we turn it over to you, readers. Do you have questions for us, and the crew on board? We’re happy to respond. Write your questions in the comment bar below.

Stay tuned for the next blog!

Fabio, Peter and the entire Nansen team 


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