EAF-Nansen Programme

The EAF-Nansen Project

The EAF-Nansen Project “Strengthening the Knowledge Base for and implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Marine Fisheries in Developing Countries” was an initiative to support the implementation of an ecosystem approach in the management of marine fisheries. The aim was to promote sustainable utilization of marine living resources and improved protection of the marine environment.

The project started in December 2006 and run for an initial period of five years but continued implementation  until December 2016 with the inclusion of a transition phase towards a new phase - the EAF-Nansen Programme.

The project was executed by FAO in close collaboration with the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) of Bergen, Norway and funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). 

The initial focus of the project was on Sub-Saharan Africa.  The project had five components: 

EAF Policy and Management
This component was to ensure the integration of EAF considerations into policy making in the partner countries through stakeholder consultations and workshops and supporting the development of policy documents consistent with EAF in selected partner countries, and assisting partner countries to prepare or revise fisheries management plans to include EAF considerations. EAF Regional and National Task Groups were formed to lead the process.

Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring
This component mainly covered the scientific part of the project. It entailed the standardization of data collection and reporting, the organization of surveys in collaboration with partner using the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen, capacity building onboard the vessel and support to the regional scientific working groups, among others.

Capacity building
The focus of this component of the project was the training of personnel of fishery research institutions and fisheries management agencies to include EAF considerations in the management process.

Support to regional Research Vessels
In this component, the project supported regional surveys by local research vessels as well as related targeted research, through the organization of planning meetings and inter-calibration between the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen and local vessels.

The project also provided, on request, technical support to the running of acoustic instruments on local vessels, including training of national personnel.

Planning and dissemination
This component of the project was for project administration, communication, dissemination of lessons learnt and organization of Steering Committee meetings and Project Forum. 

Participants to the Sixth Session of the Scientific Committee of SWIOFC. March 2015
EAF-Nansen Coordination Unit in Rome
EAF-Nansen Forum 2011


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