EAF-Nansen Programme

Meetings Archive

Norad/FAO/IMR Seventh Annual Meeting

20/03/2013 - 21/03/2013
Location: Rome
Further Information:

Mr Kourkouliotis, Kyriakos ([email protected])
FIRF, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy

The 2013 Norad/FAO/IMR Annual Meeting on the EAF-Nansen project is held at FAO Headquarter in Rome on 20 an 21 March. The agenda items of the Annual meeting include updates on the implementation of the EAF-Nansen project,status of the activities ongoing, analysis of the Workplan for 2013 and R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen Cruise plan.

Continental coverage: Africa

The Nansen Programme/EAF-Nansen Project Side Event at 8th North Atlantic Seafood Forum Conference

Location: Bergen
Further Information:

Mr Kourkouliotis, Kyriakos ([email protected])
FIRF, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy

FAO and IMR are organizers of a side event on the occasion of the 8th North Atlantic Seafood Forum to take place at the conference hotel Tuesday March 5th.
The North Atlantic Seafood Forum is the world’s largest seafood business conference. NASF focuses on the key network between cutting edge innovation, technology, research, policy, finance, trade and commercialization.
The Nansen Programme side-event highlights the outcomes of the EAF-Nansen project and the fore-runner Nansen programme. It looks at partnerships and contributions to the global agenda for fisheries in the light of climate change and possible effect on marine resources, especially in tropical and sub-tropical areas. It is suggested that implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries is also a practical way towards certification and eco-labeling of fisheries products.

Invitation to The Nansen Programme/EAF-Nansen Project side event

FAO/NEPAD Workshop on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and to Aquaculture (EAF/EAA) in Africa - Status, Lessons learned and Future Opportunities

29/10/2012 - 31/10/2012
Location: Accra
Further Information:
Tandstad, Merete ([email protected])

NEPAD-FAO Fish Programme - NFFP, the EAF-Nansen Project and the Sweden-Netherlands Multidonor fund jointly organize, in collaboration with other partners, a Workshop on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and to Aquaculture in Africa. The overall objective of the Workshop is to create a common platform of understanding of EAF/EAA concepts in Africa.

Workshop announcement
Continental coverage: Africa

SWIOFC - South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission - 6th Session

08/10/2012 - 11/10/2012
Location: Flic-en-Flac
Further Information:
Mr Harris, A. ([email protected])
Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa (SFS) - Harare, Zimbabwe
Continental coverage: Africa

Third Meeting of the EAF-Nansen Project and PAF NEPAD Programme for the Development of Industrial Shrimp Fishery Management Plans for Gabon, Cameroon and Nigeria

20/09/2012 - 22/09/2012
Location: Douala
Further Information:
Mr Kourkouliotis, Kyriakos ([email protected])
FIRF, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy
The EAF-Nansen project is supporting a number of African countries for the development of fisheries management plans consistent with the ecosystem approach to fisheries including the shrimp fisheries in Gabon, Cameroon and Nigeria. The PAF/NEPAD programme of support to COREP has also initiated two activities targetting the same fisheries in Cameroon and Gabon and other countries in the region dealing with capacity building in training, strengthening of knowledge and the development of a regional plan for the small pelagic fisheries. After discussion, the two parties affirmed their common interest in supporting the efforts of the countries in order to promote regional cooperation; particularly for the purpose of actively supporting efforts to initiate a regional harmonization process for the ecosystem management of shrimp fishery. To that end they agreed on the importance of linking the two programmes so as to avoid duplication of work and create synergies around project themes relating to the management plan. In this context and in respect of the objectives of the two programmes, the proposal retained was the joint organisation of three regional workshops underpinned by a wide participatory and consultative process at national level. The last workshop will be held in Douala (from 20 to 22 September 2012) to present the results per country. The second day will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of regional aspects/issues as well as the regional framework.
Continental coverage: Africa