EAF-Nansen Programme

Meetings Archive

First workshop of the project: Visual Seafloor Mapping of the Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

04/03/2019 - 08/03/2019
Location: Maputo
Further Information:

As part of the EAF-Nansen Programme a survey was carried out from 21 March to 4 April 2018 with the objective to collect data that will contribute to a marine environmental baseline for levels of pollutants on surface sediment related to oil and gas activities (OSPAR guidelines) in the northern waters of Mozambique as well as marine habitats and marine biodiversity.

During the Nansen cruise off Mozambique marine habitats from 25 to 2000 meters depth covering a temperature range from 29, 5 to 2, 7 o C was documented using ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle).

The preliminary results from more than 30 dives, revealed a clear pattern in habitat/biotope distribution that was related to water masses and substratum. All in field observations from the video was stored in a database and preliminary reports on observed bottom types, flora and fauna was made during the cruise.

The preliminary results are viewed as highly relevant to national management goals Furthermore, seafloor habitat documentation is an important part of ecosystem characterisation and the activity fits well with theme 5, 7 and 11 in the science plan for the EAF-Nansen Programme 2017-2021.

After the survey, a post-survey meeting was held in Maputo from 1 to 3 August 2018, with participation of different stakeholders, including government representatives from the Environment, Petroleum and Fisheries sectors, and private sector. Based on post-survey meeting several research projects were identified to be carried out, including the Visual Seafloor Mapping of the Cabo Delgado, Mozambique - New Knowledge from R/V Dr Fridjof Nansen for Ecosystem–Based Management.

The project main objective is characterizing and identifying sensitive habitat and hotspot of biodiversity in the Cabo Delgado area. The project involves two workshops covering different topics: Ecosystem mapping; Fish identification; Benthos identification; and Habitat characterization. Video analysis will be conducted between the two workshops.

Objectives of the fist workshop

  • To design the strategy for the detailed analysis of videos
  • Training participants on analysis of video
  • Plan for project main deliveries, book and scientific publication.
Continental coverage: Africa

Transboundary demersal survey, South-Eastern Atlantic – Legs 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4

02/03/2019 - 07/06/2019
Location: Congo, Gabon, Namibia, Angola, South Africa
Further Information:

The main objective of Leg 2 is to cover demersal resources of the continental shelf and upper slope with a regional survey that allows for synoptic overview of distribution and abundance of resources that may be shared across the region. In addition to determining distribution and abundance of demersal species and communities, and collecting biological samples as specified below, sampling will be carried out to determine oceanographic conditions (including physical, chemical and biological), sampling for microplastics, recording occurrence of marine debris.

Continental coverage: Africa

Regional Training Workshop on the Identification of Zooplankton and Fish Larvae of the Western Indian Ocean

23/02/2019 - 03/03/2019
Location: Zanzibar
Further Information:

The Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, in collaboration with the Institute of Marine Research, Norway and the EAF-Nansen Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as well as the Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa and Kenya Marine and Fisehries Research Insitute are organizing a Regional Training Workshop on "Identification of Zooplankton and Fish Larvae of the Western Indian Ocean" that will be held in Zanzibar, Tanzania, from 23 FEbruary to 3 March 2019. The main aim of the workshop is to train participants on zooplankton, fish larvae and fish eggs identification and analysis of their samples collected from the waters of the Western Indian Ocean.  The structure of the course is such that two parallel sessions will run concurrently, one on the identification of zooplancton and the other on the identification of fish eggs and larvae. Both sessions will comprise lectures and practical work. Applications for the training are invited from researchers/scientists and students from the Western Indian Ocean reagion dealing with the subject matter. 


Continental coverage: Africa

Presentation of the results of the survey of the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen to the Authorities

Further Information:

As part of the 2018 work plan for the EAf-Nansen Programme, an Ecosystem survey was organized in Sri Lanka, from 23 June to 16 July with the Research Vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen.

The results of the survey will be presented at National Authorities on 28 January 2019.

Continental coverage: Asia

BCC Small Pelagic Working Group meeting

28/01/2019 - 01/02/2019
Location: DAFF Fisheries Research & Development Seminar Room, Foretrust House, Cape Town, South Africa