EAF-Nansen Programme

Workshop on EAF Implementation in the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) area held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


A workshop on the EAF Implementation in the SWIOFC area organised by the EAF-Nansen project has just been held at the White Sands Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The workshop was meant to examine where countries in the SWIOFC area stand in the adoption and implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries is a follow up of the previous workshop held in Pretoria, South Africa from 20 to 24 February 2011.

The results of the workshop will be presented at the back to back Sixth Session of the Scientific Committee of the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, held at the White Sands Hotel as well, from 18 to 21 March 2015.