EAF-Nansen Programme
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01 April 2021
From January until March this year, a set of regional online workshops on the use of EAF-Implementation Monitoring Tool (IMT) was organised by FAO for the partner countries of the EAF-Nansen Programme. The first session took place from 18 to 21 January and included 11 French-speaking partner countries. The second...
31 March 2021
The role of small pelagics – including sardine, sardinella, mackerel, horse mackerel, bonga and anchovies – in sustaining food security and securing economic and social benefit for coastal countries in Northwest Africa, is significant. Yet, ensuring sustainable use and management of these resources is a challenging task. This is mainly...
26 February 2021
“Scientific illustration is the accurate depiction of objects and concepts in the biological and physical sciences,” says Elaine R.S. Hodges, a distinguished scientific illustrator at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. In other words, scientific illustration can be described as art in the service of science (Male, 2007; Marques,...
22 December 2020
The FAO-implemented EAF-Nansen Programme has produced a fully illustrated identification guide to mesopelagic fish of the central and southeast Atlantic Ocean. This in-depth guide details 126 lanternfish and 426 other species of fish from the mesopelagic zone. It was put together by a global team of experts, taxonomists and...
21 December 2020
Climate change is having a profound impact on fisheries and aquaculture, as well as coastal communities who depend on ocean resources for their livelihoods. While climate change is affecting fisheries and aquaculture sector as a whole, specific species, locations, communities and operations will experience the consequences of climate change differently,...
18 December 2020
A strong demand for fishmeal, as an ingredient in livestock and aquaculture feeds, has led to a rapid development of the fishmeal and other fish-based feeds industry in Sub-Saharan African countries. These countries include Mauritania, Senegal and the Gambia, as well as Southern and Eastern African lakes, where large quantities...