EAF-Nansen Programme
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18 December 2020
  Seasonal Greetings from the EAF-Nansen Programme   We wish you all a festive holiday season and a happy new year!    
17 December 2020
A series of online regional workshops took place from September to December 2020, to train 72 country representatives (45 men and 36 women) from Africa and South-East Asia on how to use a diagnostic tool on implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) through policy and legal frameworks...
27 November 2020
The first of the workshop series under Capacity Development initiative of the EAF-Nansen Programme: “Monitoring and Assessing Data and Capacity-Poor Fisheries in the context of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries” was held from 25 to 26 November 2020. These two-day virtual sessions brought together 51 participants from 16 countries with the...
12 October 2020
How can we best advance the empowerment of women scientists for the UN Decade of Ocean Science and how can the gender-gap in maritime and ocean related industries be addressed and identified? This was the question that set the scene for the third workshop on Empowering Women for the UN...
06 October 2020
Within the pelagic zone – the ecological realm that includes the entire ocean water column – the mesopelagic zone is an intermediate ocean layer that extends between depths of 200 and 1 000 m below the ocean surface, and is one of the largest ecosystems on earth. Mesopelagic fish are...
24 September 2020
Le Programme EAF-Nansen, financé par l’agence norvégienne de coopération pour le développement (Norad) et mis en œuvre par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) avec le soutien scientifique de l’Institut de recherche marine (IMR) norvégien, est heureux d’annoncer une opportunité de recherche pour 10 étudiants diplômés, déjà...