EAF-Nansen Programme
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24 June 2020
Having existed for over 500 million years, jellyfish are amongst the oldest animals living on our planet today. More than a thousand different types can be found in the ocean, where they occur from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and from the sea surface to abyssal depths. Since many jellyfish,...
10 May 2020
Fish plays a critical role in achieving food security and good nutrition. It's rich in protein and contains many essential micronutrients – vitamines A, B12, D - and minerals (i.e. calcium, zinc, iodine, iron). According to recently published FAO's landmark 2020 State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA)...
20 April 2020
Plankton is a collective term used to describe very small organisms that form the basis of marine life in the ocean. It constitutes a key source of food for many larger marine species, and is the subject of one of the main research themes of the EAF-Nansen Programme in support...
05 March 2020
In 2020, the EAF-Nansen Programme's research surveys with the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen are dedicated to monitoring the marine resources and ecosystems off Western and Southern Africa. Key objectives include: ...
28 February 2020
For the first time ever, a course for prospective co-cruise leaders, expected to join the scientific surveys onboard the research vessel (R/V) Dr Fridtjof Nansen, was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 17 to 21 February 2020. The training was attended by 19 participants from 16 countries, and led by Katherine...
24 February 2020
The Oceanographic Research Centre of Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT-ISRA) hosted the first regional knowledge-building workshop on basic taxonomy and marine fishery species identification in Senegal. Held in Dakar from 10 to 21 February, the event was organised to improve knowledge and capacity of local scientists and fishery workers to correctly...