EAF-Nansen Programme
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16 December 2019
The EAF-Nansen Programme's partners and key stakeholders convened last month for a series of meetings organised in Cotonou, Benin, from 4-7 November. The first day was devoted to the Programme's Steering Committee on Global Issues and Other Areas; the next two days were dedicated to the Annual Forum, with...
16 December 2019
Artisanal fishers from a fishing community in Avlékéte in Benin wake up every day at dawn to cast the nets in the sea for the next several hours. The nets are often set from shore to encircle a school of fish, but they can also be set at some distance...
12 December 2019
The development of a new international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) continued with the third session of an Intergovernmental Conference – referred...
10 December 2019
Nouakchott, capitale de la Mauritanie, a accueilli du 2 au 10 décembre 2019, la sixième session du Groupe de travail COPACE (le Comité des pêches pour l'Atlantique Centre-Est) sur les ressources démersales – Sous-groupe Nord - qui couvre les pays de la région depuis le Maroc jusqu'au sud de Sénégal....
04 December 2019
High-level representatives from Norway and Myanmar, together with the FAO Representation, gathered yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, for an official presentation of the results of the marine ecosystem survey conducted in the country's waters in 2018. This survey formed part of a regional coverage of the Bay of Bengal...
25 November 2019
For the first time, a regional training course on basic taxonomy and identification of marine species and macroinvertebrates was organized by the EAF-Nansen Programme from 15 to 26 July 2019 at the Directorate of Fisheries in Yangon, Myanmar. Twenty-three participants from Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka attended the workshop ran by...