EAF-Nansen Programme

Turning the tide with the ecosystem approach to fisheries


The ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) is a holistic fisheries management approach considered by FAO to be the principal framework for achieving sustainable fisheries and promoted by the EAF-Nansen Programme.

This video was made by the EAF-Nansen Programme and the Fisheries Management and Assessment Team of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division of FAO. . The EAF-Nansen Programme is supporting partner countries and regional organizations in Africa and the Bay of Bengal to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science and FAO’s vision for Blue Transformation of aquatic food systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life for all. The EAF-Nansen Programme is executed by FAO in close collaboration with the Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway, and funded by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).