Enhancing land consolidation in North Macedonia

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Project team and structure

PSC meeting - land consolidation in North Macedonia

With support from the European Union and FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy (MAFWE) leads the implementation of the National Land Consolidation Programme. As the main Project Coordinator, MAFWE closely collaborates with the FAO project team, working together on policy aspects and field implementation of land consolidation projects. 

The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia provides overall supervision and administrative support.

Specialized private companies will be contracted for certain tasks, like design, construction, and supervision of infrastructure development and land re-allotment planning.

A Permanent Advisory Group was established in February 2023 and ensures policy discussions and long-term sustainability of the government's land consolidation efforts.

A Project Steering Committee monitors the project progress and fosters cooperation between institutions involved in land consolidation.

Institutional Setup of the ProjectProject structure

Project Steering Committee

Representatives from:

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy
  • European Union Delegation to North Macedonia
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Senior Field Programme Officer/Budget Holder and Land Tenure Officer/Lead Technical Officer - FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, and National Team Leader/Legal Advisor - FAO North Macedonia)
  • Agency for Real Estate Cadastre
  • National Federation of Farmers
  • Municipality of Dolneni
  • Municipality of Cheshinovo-Obleshevo

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy (Action Coordinator)

  • Andrijana Lambroska, Head of the Department for Land Consolidation, Land Exchange and Identification of Agricultural Land Parcels, Action Coordinator

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

FAO International technical officers and specialists

  • Goran Stavrik, Senior Field Programme Officer/Budget Holder 
  • Morten Hartvigsen, Land Tenure Officer/Lead Technical Officer
  • Maxim Gorgan, Land Tenure Officer
  • Tatjana Dedic, Programme and Operations Management Specialist
  • Margret Vidar, Legal Officer
  • Victoria Kalinin, Communication Officer
  • Dono Abdurazakova, Senior Gender and Social Protection Adviser/Gender Mainstreaming Specialist
  • Anna Jenderedjian, Gender Mainstreaming and Social Protection Specialist
  • Maher Salman, Senior Land & Water Officer/Agricultural Water Management Team Leader

 FAO national project team

  • Vladimir Hristov, National Team Leader
  • Dimche Damjanovski, National Field Works Coordinator
  • Daniela Buzharovska, National Agriculture Specialist/ Field Works
  • Ljupka Gligorova, National Finance and Administration Specialist
  • Radmila Slavkova, National Communication Specialist
  • Gjorgi Gjorgiev, National Land Administration Specialist
  • Natasha Malijanska Andreevska, National Land Administration Specialist
  • Nikolche Panev, National Construction Engineer
  • Bojan Borisov, Ad-hoc Local Consultant for Land Consolidation

Permanent Advisory Group on Land Consolidation

Representatives from:

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy
  • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
  • Ministry of Transport and Communications
  • Agency for Real Estate Cadastre
  • National Extension Agency
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering – Skopje
  • Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food – Skopje
  • Chamber of Sole Proprietors authorized surveyors and trade companies for geodetic operational works
  • Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers
  • Association of the units of local self-government of North Macedonia
  • National Federation of Farmers
  • Macedonian Association of Agricultural Cooperatives
  • CSO Milieukontakt Macedonia