Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change


The Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change (EPIC) programme of the FAO Agrifood Economics Division (ESA), was created to fill the gap between research and action in the interactions between climate change, agriculture and food security. We work with governments, research centers, universities and other institutional partners to build evidence on climate change adaptation and mitigation and food security.

The program currently supports partner countries, with the goal of transforming and re-orienting agricultural systems to address the challenges of climate change. The EPIC analyses require a holistic and integral analysis that includes an examination of:

  • Climate change impacts and vulnerabilities
  • Climate-smart agricultural (CSA) systems
  • Adaptation and resilience as well as mitigation measures
  • Economic performance production and marketing systems
  • Policies and institutions at national and sub-national levels

To carry out analysis, EPIC uses analytical tools and methodologies to understand the synergies and tradeoffs between food security, adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. Data is added to a database for further analyses.