Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change

Get ready for the new EX-ACT suite of tools!

The Ex-Ante Carbon balance Tool (EX-ACT) suite of tools will be moving to a brand-new online platform. A pilot version is now being tested by selected stakeholders, and a full version will be made available online in autumn. 

The online version will integrate yearly accounting of greenhouse fluxes from agricultural activities and allow for the integration of geospatial information to improve the reliability of analyses. It will also feature a new, more user friendly experience, aiming at simplifying accounting and reporting for all users of the tool.

We look forward to sharing the new EX-ACT suite of tools with you

The EX-ACT suite of tools

The EX-ACT suite of tools is composed of three complementary tools, aiming at providing guidance in estimating the value of nature’s contribution to people in the form of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation and avoidance and biodiversity preservation. The tools can be used individually or together, to focus on specific elements of projects and policies or to elaborate a holistic overview of their environmental impacts.

Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool | EX-ACT

Version 9.4 is based on the 2019 Refinement of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, their 2014 supplement for wetlands as well as many other scientific sources. The tool covers the entire agricultural sector including Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), inland and coastal wetlands, fisheries and aquaculture, agricultural inputs and infrastructure.

Biodiversity Integrated Assessmentand Computation Tool | B-INTACT

Version 1.0 – It is based on the Global Biodiversity (GLOBIO) Model Version 3.6 developed by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), as well as on the Ecosystem Service Valuation Database (ESVD).

EX-Ante Carbon-balance Toolfor value chains | EX-ACT VC

Version 3.0 – It adapts the main methodology from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2019 Refinement. It adapts FAO’s Food Loss Index for Sustainable Development Goals, and uses other relevant scientific sources to cover emission factors from transportation and packaging.