Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change

News and events

News - 08.01.2025

FAO’s Environmental eXternalities ACcounting Tool (EX-ACT) team has just returned from Cameroon, where it delivered capacity-building training on climate action and greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting for the Alliance for Restoration of Forest Landscapes and Ecosystems in Africa (AREECA), a consortium of 4 African countries collaborating to restore landscapes. 

AREECA, a five-year [...]

News - 18.10.2024

Today, FAO launched the new-look EX-ACT (Environmental

News - 07.05.2024

The EX-ACT team is strengthening ties with International Financial Institutions (IFI) in the context of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting in agriculture.

In March, the team presented the EX-ACT tool at the meeting of the UNFCCC IFI Technical Working Group on harmonization of standards for GHG accounting. The presentation focused on [...]

News - 02.04.2024

The EX-ACT team has recently delivered two trainings in Central America on the use of the EX-ACT suite of tools for monitoring and reporting of project and investment externalities, with a specific focus on GHG fluxes.

The Country offices of Nicaragua and El Salvador are actively working with their [...]

Events - 05.12.2023

On 04/12, the EX-ACT team delivered a COP event on effective capacity building for non-technical audiences in the Capacity Building Hub of the UNFCCC. The event showcased experiences and lessons learnt on knowledge sharing in the context of climate change mitigation in agriculture.

The session was designed to highlight the crucial [...]

News - 26.11.2023

In a recent initiative aimed at strengthening Nicaragua's capacity to evaluate the climate mitigation potential of agricultural activities, the EX-ACT team organized an extensive workshop in Managua, Nicaragua. This workshop provided in-depth training on the utilization of the EX-ACT and EX-ACT VC tools to about 20 participants, including project coordinators [...]

News - 17.10.2023

We are happy to inform you that the updated version of the EX-ACT VC tool technical guidelines for v3.5 has been published online. The two sections that have undergone the most significant revisions are Part 3 (Step-by-step instructions) and Part 4 (Interpretation of results).

A reminder of what’s new with EX-ACT [...]

News - 14.08.2023

In Sri Lanka, building resilience  and reducing the vulnerability to climate change and reducing risks and uncertainties related to the production are the key thematic areas for the development of national agricultural policies. To achieve these objectives, the policy makers require evidence of the impact of various types of policy [...]

News - 26.05.2023


What’s new?

  • Enhanced user friendliness
  • Increased flexibility in value chain mapping
  • Simplified tool structure
  • Improved organization of results

What is EX-ACT VC:

EX-ACT VC is a quantitative multi-appraisal tool developed to evaluate the sustainability of agrifood VC simultaneously along a range of environmental, economic, and social indicators. It aims to [...]

News - 09.05.2023

new course on quantifying the effects of activities, investments, projects, or policies on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using the FAO Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) is now available online for policymakers, researchers and project managers alike through the FAO’s e-Learning Academy.

Since 2010, EX-ACT has been a valued FAO tool known [...]

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