Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change

EX-ACT continues to grow! EX-ACT v. 9.4 is now on-line

News - 24.04.2023

Following the feedback from multiple users, the freshly released version 9.4 includes several novelties aiming at enhancing user friendliness of the tool, ensuring completeness and granularity of GHG appraisals,  and providing even more precise overview of GHGs released and sequestered in each appraisal scenario.

What’s new?

  • Higher GHG disaggregation has been provided in a dedicated section of the Results module. The section details GHG fluxes for the without and with project scenarios by type of gas - CO2, CH4, N2O and other, on top of the net balance, supporting reporting progress under Paris Agreement and other international agreements.
  • The perennial cropland section allows to separate calculations for agroforestry systems undergoing soil management changes only and systems undergoing changes in the agroforestry structure itself (e.g. renewal, substitution) and/or soil management changes. Maximum agroforestry growth rates have also been added, in line with IPCC provision, to take into account the stage of maturity of existing and new systems analysed.
  • Additional guidance was included to ensure that users account fully for GHG fluxes generated through land use changes: if all the relevant sections of the tool are not completed, results will trigger an error and will only be shown partially. The error message guides the users to ensure all sections of the tool are completed as required.
  • In the afforestation sub-module,  Dead Organic Matter changes were aligned with biomass changes, allowing for a more realistic assessment of the carbon pool.
  • Minor corrections to bugs, formatting and warnings

The new version of EX-ACT is a testimony of the continuous effort of the team to provide increasingly precise assessment of GHG fluxes for tracking, monitoring and evaluation purposes at all level of policy and project implementation.

We look forward to receiving your feedback on the new version and welcome comments for further improvement.