Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change

Boosting engagement between EX-ACT and IFIs

News - 07.05.2024

The EX-ACT team is strengthening ties with International Financial Institutions (IFI) in the context of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting in agriculture.

In March, the team presented the EX-ACT tool at the meeting of the UNFCCC IFI Technical Working Group on harmonization of standards for GHG accounting. The presentation focused on the tool's alignment with international reporting requirements and new monitoring metrics. This solidified EX-ACT as the primary tool for GHG mitigation assessments in AFOLU.

Later that month, the team conducted a two-day capacity building workshop with the World Bank in Washington D.C., showcasing recent enhancements and introducing Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for agriculture.

These efforts highlight EX-ACT's importance in IFIs' agricultural operations and its role in meeting global climate commitments, paving the way to further developments and application of the tool.