Manuals and guidelines
Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chain: EX-ACT VC – Guidelines
Manuals and guidelines
The Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chains (EX-ACT VC) is a quantitative multi-appraisal tool that evaluates the sustainability of agrifood value chains simultaneously along several environmental, economic, and social dimensions. It analyses greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions along an agrifood value chain, from farm-gate-to-shelf, including GHG fluxes from processing and storage, to packaging and transportation; calculates a set of value-added indicators including gross production value, value-added, and net income; and estimates the number and nature of jobs created along the value [...]

EX-ACT – Guidelines, Tool version 9
Manuals and guidelines
This document presents the methodology used to build the EX-Ante Carbon Balance Tool version 9 (EX-ACT). It describes in detail the main logic behind the tool, the tool structure, and the underlying equations and parameters used to calculate the carbon balance. EX-ACT is a land-use-based accounting system developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to evaluate the effects of the interventions in agriculture on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon stock changes expressed as carbon [...]

B-INTACT guidelines: Biodiversity Integrated Assessment and Computation Tool
Manuals and guidelines
Biodiversity loss is accelerating at an unprecedented rate across the planet putting a great number of species on the brink of extinction. A decline in the plants, animals, and microorganisms threatens food security, sustainable development, and the supply of vital ecosystem services. In order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, there is an urgent need to take action to halt biodiversity loss and consequently ecosystem degradation. Since the introduction of the Aichi targets, released by [...]

Climate-Smart Agriculture training manual
Manuals and guidelines
This manual is designed for a four-day training course on climate-smart agriculture that would take the learner from the basics of climate science to the impacts of climate change and the linkages among climate, agriculture and food security. It contains four modules, each addressing a particular aspect and consisting of several sessions that are held either in plenary, as one group, or in smaller work groups. The content and structure of this manual has been developed and tested through fieldwork [...]

EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for coastal wetlands, fisheries and aquaculture management
Manuals and guidelines
This manual explains how to use the EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool known as “EX-ACT” to estimate the impacts of management activities in coastal wetlands, aquaculture and fisheries on projects GHG balance. EX-ACT enables investment planners to design program activities that target high return outcomes in terms of climate change mitigation, and is intended to complement conventional ex-ante economic analysis.

Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) - Quick guidance
Manuals and guidelines
In order to facilitate the different activities of targeting climate change mitigation in agriculture, decision makers can today choose from a wider range of available greenhouse gas (GHG) tools. These tools follow different main objectives (awareness raising, national reporting, (ex-ante) project evaluation, etc.), cover to a different extent all relevant GHGs as well as agricultural activities and are adapted to different geographical scales (farm, landscape, project, national scale). EX-ACT is targeted at providing project evaluations, characterized by relatively low data [...]

EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for value chains
Manuals and guidelines
This manual explains how to use the EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chain (EX-ACT VC) and how to address a multi-impact appraisal in terms of socio-economic and environmental performance of value chains. These guidelines justify the development of the tool, and introduce its goals for value chain analysis and the stepby-step approach of its modules.