New studies by the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) now available online


Publications are fruit of the collaboration between CATIE and the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme and cover a range of topics - from the negotiation of voluntary partnership agreements to the development of national forest policies in Latin America

The FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme has been collaborating with the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, CATIE) for over six years on a number of regional initiatives for the promotion of sustainable forest management in Latin America. CATIE master’s degree students carried out field research and surveys with the support of the Programme, resulting in the publication of eight new studies, accessible through the links below, in Spanish:

Sistematización de experiencias, construcción de escenarios y acciones de cambio sobre gobernanza forestal para el programa FAO UE FLEGT, Honduras - Karla Casasola

This publication highlights the support provided by the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme in Honduras from the negotiation to the signing of the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA), in February 2021. The study presents results and testimonies collected through 17 interviews with local organizations and three beneficiary workshops.

Impacto de la implementación de la Política Forestal de la República de Panamá sobre la gobernanza forestal y la gestión actual de los bosques de producción: Región Darién, periodo 2009-2018 - Estefany González

This study analyzes, for the first time, the impact of the 2009 Panamanian forest policies on national forests, highlighting findings on the country’s national timber traceability system, forest oversight programmes and more.

Dinámica de la reforestación durante el periodo 1992-2017 como resultado de la Ley No. 24 de 1992: Región del Darién, Panamá – Máximo Moreno

This publication presents new findings and lessons learned on 30 years of reforestation efforts in Panama and sheds light on the effectiveness of national forest legislation enacted in 1992 and in 2017.

Análisis sobre experiencias de Vigilancia Forestal Independiente en Honduras, Panamá y Perú: Insumos para la buena gobernanza forestal – Max Yamauchi

This publication offers a comparative analysis of independent forest monitoring in Honduras, Panama and Peru, bringing forth case studies from the three countries as well as recommendations for improved forest governance in the region. Access individual case studies through the links below:

Sistematización de experiencias sobre las mesas forestales departamentales: Chocó, Putumayo y Cauca Andina, Colombia, para el fortalecimiento de la gobernanza forestal, en el marco del programa FAO UE FLEGT - Ángela Russi

This publication analyzes progress achieved by departmental working groups in Colombia from 2014 to 2019, in the context of the local initiatives supported by the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme. The study highlights achievements in improving forest governance and halting deforestation in the region.

Análisis de los planes de comunicación y acciones de visibilidad en los proyectos de gobernanza y comercio forestal responsable en Honduras y Colombia - Liza Bello

This study analyzes the communications strategies behind forest governance initiatives funded by the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme in Honduras and Colombia, showcasing the visibility achieved by the initiatives and presenting recommendations for future projects.

El aporte de la forestería comunitaria a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS): Caso de las concesiones forestales comunitarias en la Reserva Biósfera Maya, Petén, Guatemala – Rocío Castillo

This publication presents new findings on the contribution of Guatemalan community forestry in the Maya Biosphere Reserve to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


For more information:

FAO-EU FLEGT Programme