FAO-EU FLEGT Programme


How to support smaller businesses in the legal timber trade – report

30 November 2022
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have a critical role to play in meeting global demand for forest products but because of their size it is hard for them to meet legal requirements for timber production and trade. A new report [...]

Video: How a Piece of Paper changed lives: Timber legality creates sustainability of forests and livelihoods

10 November 2022
Illegal logging is one of the leading causes of deforestation in Indonesia. Under the framework of the Indonesia-European Union (EU) Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) voluntary partnership agreement, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of [...]

FAO-EU FLEGT Programme: Results, impacts and lessons learned from designing and implementing timber legality verification systems

04 October 2022
The FAO-EU FLEGT Programme was established in 2016 to support the implementation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan. Across it's implementation, the Programme sought to tackle illegal logging, promote trade in legal timber products, and ultimately contribute to SFM and [...]

How a piece of paper changed lives in a carpenter village in Central Java

27 July 2022
Slamet Setiono has spent almost his entire life in Jetis, a small village close to the tourist hub of Yogyakarta. The region is famous for its furniture and craft industry, thanks to its teak trees and concentration of artisans.  Fascinated by [...]

Community forestry: Recommendations on adapting timber traceability systems for community use

12 July 2022
Timber traceability is a growing global trend. Governments and consumers require reliable tracking of products sold with claims to legality or sustainability from their origin throughout the supply chain. Timber traceability contributes to multiple forest sector priorities, including promoting legal compliance, [...]

Local communities and customary landholders, important allies in monitoring Indonesia’s forests

01 July 2022
Independent forest monitoring (IFM) is widely recognized as an important way to increase the transparency of the timber sector in tropical timber-producing countries. Local communities and customary landholders trained to undertake monitoring missions are well placed to act as monitors [...]

Latin America leads the way in developing innovative timber traceability systems

24 June 2022
20 June 2022, Rome – Governments seeking to develop national timber traceability systems to comply with tightening international standards can look for inspiration to Latin America, a joint report by the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme [...]

Filipino timber producers gain new skills to enhance legal timber production and livelihood generation

23 May 2022
With abundant forest resources, Caraga is the foremost timber-producing region in the Philippines; however, it remains the country’s second poorest, owing to low local processing capacity and intricate legality requirements, limiting economic benefits and opportunities for timber producers. The resulting [...]

Boosting legal timber supply in Cameroon

19 May 2022
Around three-quarters of timber sold on Cameroon’s domestic market is of informal origin. This is one of the challenges faced by domestic markets in tropical timber producing countries, which are overwhelmingly supplied by small, often informal or illegal, operators. These operators [...]

Household timber producers supported through the iTwood traceability system

11 April 2022
Household plantations in Viet Nam manage approximately 3.69 million hectares of plantation forests. Plantations are a central part of an extensive reforestation programme in which Viet Nam has embarked on, committed to planting 1 billion trees nationwide by 2025. Plantations [...]
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