FAO Campus

Cursos de autoaprendizaje

Los cursos de autoaprendizaje se dictan en modalidad 100% asincrónica en la plataforma de aprendizaje Moodle.

Incluyen unidades que pueden ser revisadas al tiempo y ritmo de cada participante, por lo que es responsabilidad del estudiante construir su propio proceso. El tiempo estimado para completar cada curso difiere de acuerdo a la extensión de su contenido y al tiempo de dedicación de cada estudiante.

Al finalizar cada unidad, se podrá descargar el contenido en formato PDF para su revisión posterior.


Advanced Project Design for the Green Climate Fund


Click here to enroll

Climate change is one of the most urgent threats our societies face nowadays. If we do not take urgent action, it will hinder our efforts to stop hunger, reduce poverty and fulfill the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. Accessing climate Finance through the Green Climate Fund is a way to implement adaptation and mitigation measures in the countries. This course will give you the fundamentals to design project proposals that are eligible and well suited for this fund.

Course overview

Name: Advanced Project Design for the Green Climate Fund

Course Code: GCF_202110

Language: English

Duration: 40 hours. The participant must dedicate between 8 and 10 hours of weekly work to the course.

Start of the course: The course will take place from Dec 27, 2021.

Target Audience:

This course is directed to project formulators, technical officers, government authorities and National Designated Authorities, and other actors related to Green Climate Fund project design and formulation phases. Participants should be familiar with Green Climate Fund basic concepts, as this course will be addressing advanced topics on project design.


  • Provide participants with detailed background on the Green Climate Fund
  • Strengthen participants’ knowledge of the GCF objectives and Investment Criteria. A particular emphasis have been placed on issues such as:
    • Developing a strong climate change rationale;
    • Understand GCF requirements for co-financing;
    • How to develop viable project institutional/implementation arrangements; and
    • What opportunities exist within the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, and how to seize these opportunities.
  • Share lessons learned for project development and discuss the specificities and requirements according to GCF project cycle, including information on templates, modalities, involvement of stakeholders and required resources and other details for formulation of successful funding/readiness proposals.


  • Lesson1: Introduction to the Green Climate Fund
  • Lesson2: Climate rationale and paradigm shift
  • Lesson 3: Funding proposal design
  • Lesson 4: Readiness


Once the course is approved, participants will be able to download the FAO RLC certificate on the platform where the course is.

Better to which it belongs: BE1: Climate change mitigating and adapted agri food systems

FAO Regional Initiative with which it articulates: Regional Initiative 1, 2, 3

Responsible officer: Ignacia Holmes, Policy Officer for Environment and Climate Change at the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean