FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Regional Task Force Meeting reviewed progress of the BSEC-CSFS project

11 June 2021; Ankara - A virtual Regional Task Force Meeting was organized under the project “Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization – Regional Cooperation Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (BSEC-CSFS)” with the participation of high-level officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey, the Permanent International Secretariat of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC PERMIS) and the FAO Subregional Office for Central Asia. During the meeting, the BSEC-CSFS project was presented to the Regional Task Force members, and the project work plan was reviewed by the Task Force members in order to ensure a common understanding of the main objectives, activities and implementation modalities.

Available at: http://www.fao.org/turkey/news/detail-news/en/c/1411648/

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