FAO and Türkiye Partnership

FAO Türkiye Partnership Programmes Joint Monitoring Meeting was held

FAO Türkiye Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture and FAO Türkiye Forestry Partnership Programme Joint Review Meeting was held online on 28 November 2022. In the meeting held with the participation of representatives of FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the roadmap for the upcoming process was discussed while the achievements of the projects included in the programs' portfolio were evaluated.

At the meeting attended by about one hundred representatives, the importance of the FAO Türkiye partnership was emphasized, and it was highlighted that the projects implemented in the scope of the programs were the leading steps of innovative initiatives in the beneficiary countries and could be developed with various synergies.

The meeting continued with presentations on the status of the projects currently in implementation, the introduction of new projects that will be included in the portfolios in the upcoming period, and special presentations of the Regional Conference on Food Loss and Waste Reduction in Europe and Central Asia; Regional Programme for Food Security (RPFS) in ECO countries and 4th Steering Committee Meeting of ECO-RCCFS, and BRIDGES projects.


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