FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Seed sector development in countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)

Project overview:

A sound regulatory framework is key to ensuring that farmers have access to high-quality seeds of the best crop varieties. However, seed legislation and regulations can in practice hinder the development of a competitive seed industry that meets the real needs of farmers, processors and consumers.

When national regulations are brought in line with broadly accepted international rules, it can lead to productivity gains at both the farm and national level, which is the project’s ultimate goal for the region.

Enhancement of the seed trade among countries will enable farmers and private seed enterprises to source quality seeds at affordable prices, potentially leading to a more robust seed sector at the national level.

Member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) participated in the project to strengthen the regional seed trade. Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan were directly involved, while the Islamic Republic of Iran and Kazakhstan participated as observers. Financial support was provided by the FTPP, as well as ECO. Turkey provided technical guidance in the preparation of the policy documents.

Experts from each member country supported an evaluation of the status of the seed sector, and identified existing gaps in national legislation as well as any missing technical capacities and infrastructure in national institutions.

In the long term, it is expected that food security will be strengthened by an improved seed sector in each country, particularly in Central Asian counties and Azerbaijan, where farmers depend on imported seeds.

Key results of the project:

    • A regional seed agreement and strategy were prepared for the ECO region.
    • Over 50 documents were produced on seed legislation and the policy and status of the seed sector.
    • More than 150 participants attended regional workshops held in Ankara, Bishkek and Istanbul.
    • Reports were prepared on the seed status of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
    • Seed strategy and policy documents were formulated for Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
    • A report was issued on the seed status in the ECO region. 



Pictures from the field visits. ©FAO


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