FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Central Asia Regional Programme for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (FISHDEV)

Project overview:

Capture fisheries, aquaculture production and fish consumption were severely affected by the collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent independence of Central Asian countries. Launched in 2009 within the framework of the FTPP, the Central Asia Regional Programme for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Programme (FISHDEV) has helped countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus to adopt better management practices and enhance the performance of inland fisheries and aquaculture, and more particularly its capacity to generate food, employment and income, as well as ensuring its economic viability, environmental compatibility and social acceptability.

“Our specialists have learnt to produce feed for fish and feed farmed trout, thanks to the substantial amount of support and advice provided under the FTPP. One of the results of this support and advice is that the number of fish farms in Tajikistan has risen from seven to 220 since the programme started”

(Akhmadjon Gafurov, Head of the State Unitary Enterprise in the Ministry of Agriculture of Tajikistan)

The programme has offered an entire learning experience to farmers and national authorities at different levels. Fish producers benefited from training on hatchery management techniques, the basics of fish feeding, cage culture, protection and conservation of fisheries resources. The programme also focused on post-production processes, including training on data collection, monitoring, hygiene and safety.

The most important outcome of the programme was the establishment of the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (CACFish), which ensured the sustainability of regional collaboration, and served as a mechanism for enhancing the management and development of the sector in the subregion.

Key results of the project:

    • Training sessions were provided for 400 fish farmers and aquaculture experts, nearly a third of whom were women.
    • Key FAO publications, including the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and technical guidelines, were translated and disseminated in subregional countries.
    • Strategy and policy documents on fisheries and aquaculture sector were prepared for Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
    • Thirty regional trainings were held and 12 study tours were organized.
    • Fifteen national-level practical training sessions were organized in the field.
    • In Tajikistan, fish production increased from 138 to 2 000 tonnes during a during FISHDEV programme. 


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