FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Cattle production improvement in Central Asian countries

Project Overview:

The end of state-supported animal breeding systems in Central Asian countries led to a decline in livestock forage, the unavailability of milled concentrated feeds for livestock, and milk processing systems that had fallen into disuse. To counter these challenges, the FTPP set out to improve livestock productivity by establishing district-based cattle producer associations to disseminate modern animal husbandry and management practices.

"We only had 50 members of cattle breeders’ associations to begin with, but now have 250 members in the Chuy region alone. If we hadn’t seen those things in Turkey, with we would not have been able to make progress."

(Kumarbek Borombaev, Head of the Cattle Breeders Association in the Chuy region, Kyrgyzstan)

Training sessions were delivered during the project focused on animal disease control, care of pregnant and new-born cattle, livestock feeding, breeding, marketing, and pasture use and management. In addition, demonstration plots in three countries helped farmers to acquire hands-on experience with various techniques and to apply their skills and knowledge.

District-based cattle breeders’ associations soon became local hubs for training, extension activities and service delivery. Leader farmers were identified in each country to ensure better coordination, and 355 farmers joined their respective national cattle breeders’ association.

Key results of the project:

  • Three cattle breeders’ associations were established in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, with a total number of 355 registered farmers.
  • Cattle Breeders’ Associations in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan established milk collection and marketing systems and milk cooling centres.
  • All three Cattle Breeders’ Associations were equipped with tools for registered members to collect, store and market their milk.
  • Equipment provided for the three associations included maize silage cutting machines, grain pressing machines, wheel haymakers, fodder mowing machines and milk cooling tanks with a 2 000-litre capacity.
  • Over 650 farmers received training in cattle husbandry practices.
  • 17 demonstration plots for forage production were established in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Cattle Production

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