FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Development of an Agricultural Development Strategy in Kyrgyzstan for 2011-2020

Project overview:

The objective of the project was to produce an Agricultural Development Strategy geared towards reducing rural poverty and food insecurity in Kyrgyzstan through a more stable agricultural policy. This was to be achieved through consensus among stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan, including donors, on a vision for agricultural development. Specifically, this objective was to be reached through the following outputs:

    • An updated and operational Agricultural Development Strategy for 2011–2020
    • seven analytical studies by independent experts focusing on priority areas for agricultural development
    • analysis of farmer and cooperative needs
    • strengthened institutional capacity for consensus and implementation of agricultural development strategies, in particular with regard to the Ministry of Agriculture and Melioration and other institutions in the food, agriculture and natural resources sectors.

A medium-term policy framework for sustainable development of the agricultural and rural sector was put in place, in line with the requirements for accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and integration with the European Union. The policy framework was formulated through a participatory process involving working groups with the relevant ministries and experts.

As a result of the project, the draft Agricultural Development Strategy was finalized in close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Melioration, with a number of stakeholder consultations held both in the regions of the country concerned by the Strategy and in the capital Bishkek. The draft Strategy was submitted to the Minister of Agriculture and Melioration and, subsequently, to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan. At the same time, the draft Strategy was disseminated to members of the working group and the heads of departments and divisions within the Ministry, as well as to institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), associations, regional administrations and donor agencies. The draft was posted on the Ministry’s website and produced in both Kyrgyz and English.

Key results of the project:

    • An updated operational strategy for the development of the agricultural sector was formulated.
    • Seven analytical studies were formulated by independent experts, focusing on priority areas for agricultural development.
    • Capacity-building activities were undertaken as part of a stakeholder workshop to introduce the idea of updating the existing Strategy.
    • A contribution was made to the final to the final Livestock Sector Development Conceptual Framework Workshop.

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