FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Protection and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the West Mediterranean Region in Turkey

Project overview:

The project provided support to improve national capabilities for the collection and preservation of endangered species of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP), as well as in situ and ex situ conservation. In particular, the project worked to improve the capacity of researchers from the West Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute (BATEM) and plant genetic resources (PGR) specialists (from ministries, universities, industry, etc.) in the evaluation and characterization of MAP species.

To this end, the project organized a series of training sessions on the collection and preservation of endangered MAP species. In addition, seeds and the vegetative parts of plants were collected from the wild, and a study was conducted on the cultivation techniques and biology of these plants. The project also improved the capacity of farmers and the rural population through the organization of training courses on seed-bed preparation, planting, management, harvesting and post-harvest processing of MAP.

Additionally, a study tour to the Agroscope Institute in Switzerland was organized for two researchers from BATEM, and two training courses were conducted on the evaluation and characterization of MAP species. 

Raising awareness of endangered MAP species was the key activity of the project. To this end, three awareness-raising workshops were conducted in the pilot areas, and leaflets, posters and booklets were published and used in the training activities.

The project organized stakeholder meetings and workshops which helped to improve and strengthen the network of MAP experts in Turkey. It also supported the formulation of a national strategy on MAP conservation, utilization and cultivation. In addition, a National Network on MAP was established and hosted on the BATEM website. 

Special attention was paid to building the capacities of BATEM researchers and industrialists in the Antalya region on MAP characterization and the quality evaluation of raw material, through the organization of a number of workshops and on-the-job training sessions. 

The project also introduced the conservation and efficient utilization of MAP genetic resources to the Mediterranean region of Turkey. This effort contributed to improving rural populations’ livelihoods and food security, and also strengthened the technical capacities of researchers and farmers.

Key results of the project:

    • National capabilities for the collection and preservation of endangered MAP species, and in situ and ex situ conservation were improved through the organization of various training courses.
    • Three awareness-raising workshops were conducted in pilot areas, and leaflets, posters and booklets were published and used in training activities.
    • The Network of MAP experts in Turkey was strengthened through the implementation of stakeholder meetings and workshops. 
    • A national strategy on MAP conservation, utilization and cultivation was formulated. 
    • A National Network on MAP was established and hosted on the BATEM website.



Demonstration plots for cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants were established in Bati Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute (BATEM) ©FAO  


Regional Expert Consultations on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. November 2013, Antalya, Turkey ©FAO

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