FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Strengthening of national and institutional capacity on land consolidation

Project overview:

The main impact of the project was growth in the capacity of the General Directorate of Agrarian Reform (GDAR) of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL) to monitor and evaluate land consolidation projects (LCPs), and improved efficiency and effectiveness when implementing these projects. This increased capacity was expected to lead to more efficient and sustainable land use, increased production and reduced costs of production, hence resulting in a more competitive and economically viable farming sector.

Under the project, an evaluation methodology for the LCP was developed and tested at a pilot site in the Konya region, Turkey, in close cooperation with GDAR and MFAL. The evaluation report and documentation on evaluation of the LCP was prepared, including recommendations for the future evaluation of land consolidation projects and programmes. Based on the pilot, the existing land consolidation methodology was reviewed, and conclusions and recommendations were duly formulated for the effectiveness and efficiency of the land consolidation process, and farmers’ satisfaction with the procedures involved.

Key results of the project:

    • An evaluation methodology for the LCP was developed and tested at a pilot site in the Konya region, Turkey. 
    • Two training workshops were organized with the participation of about 35 specialists from MFAL.
    • Experiences and knowledge were shared and disseminated during the International LandNet Conference, held in Ankara in October 2015, with more than 100 participating experts.

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