FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Building Capacities through South-South Cooperation (SSTC)

Project overview:

South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) is an excellent mechanism for Southern countries – including developing countries, countries in transition and emerging economies – to share key development solutions while promoting the core principle of mutual benefits among partners. It is also critical to achieving FAO’s strategic framework as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a whole.

In 2021, FAO and Turkey signed a SSTC agreement to deploy Turkish experts to projects sites in Central Asia as part of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programmes for food and agriculture and forestry. Based on this agreement, a project has been developed with the principle objective of expediting the transfer of Turkish experts/expertise to other FTPP II and FTFP project sites. The project is implemented in association with the other FTPP II and FTFP project operations, rather than operating as a stand-alone initiative.

Fielding Turkish experts to Central Asian project sites will not only widen the expertise and knowledge of beneficiary countries in a variety of areas (e.g. agriculture, agribusiness, food security and nutrition, forestry, nature conservation, drought management, combating desertification, biodiversity and climate change), it will also help evolve solutions for common development issues in the food and agriculture sector.

This new initiative will support and facilitate the implementation of both the FAOTurkey Partnership Programme and the FAO-Turkey Forestry Partnership Programme, and deepen decades-long relations between FAO and Turkey. It will also widen FAO’s involvement in South-South and Triangular Cooperation by mobilizing Turkey’s expertise in agriculture and food-related fields.

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