Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linkages

A new function links policy frameworks in the FAPDA database to the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets. Linking, country-level strategies and policies with SDGs allows:
- searching those policies which contribute to specific SDG and related targets;
- detecting the possible orientation of policy makers in a specific policy context towards selected domains of Agenda 2030;
- analysing most frequent mutual associations of the various SDG targets to investigate the possible patterns of development envisaged by decision makers in a specific policy context;
- Easing policy assistance activities in specific policy contexts through the identification of potentially missing important areas of intervention;
- Understanding whether and the extent to which agriculture, food security and the sustainability of agrifood systems at large are mainstreamed in specific policy making contexts.
The figures here below provide examples of the analyses that can be carried out to identify and quantify synergies and complementarities in the design and implementation of policy frameworks both at SDG and target level.
The matrix below (Figure 1) shows the distribution (share) of associations of each SDG along the axis Y. For example: when a policy framework targets SDG 1, 31% of the times targets also SDG 2, 16% targets also SDG 13, 9% as SDG 8, etc.
Figure 1. Association matrix of documents stored in FAPDA at global level

From this analysis, we can extract and visualize graphically the strongest linkages (above 15%) among the SDGs (Figure 2) and among targets (Figure 3).
Figure 2. Linkages among SDGs

Figure 3. Linkages among targets