Farmers' organizations in Belize initiate a National Learning Route to strengthen the family farming sector.
FAO, IFAD, and Procasur will facilitate the exchange of experiences among leaders of rural farmers' associations to improve their business capacities and skills
Belizean farmers with Procasur facilitators
Belmopan - With the theme "Moving up the value chain! Moving business and associative capacities of rural smallholder organizations", the National Learning Route started on Monday, 21st. This activity is part the Farmer Organizations for ACP Project, funded by the International Fund of Agricultural Development and implemented by FAO and PROCASUR.
The FAO Representative for Belize attended the opening ceremony, Dr. Crispim Moreira, Mr. Silverio Marin, Mr. Armando Aban, and the President of Procasur, Mr. Juan Moreno.
Juan Moreno, representative of Procasur, explained that the Route will allow knowing in the field the good practices and solutions applied by rural talents, who during this week become trainers.
"Visiting those who make small rural businesses, the local champions, in the field is key to exchanging good practices and fostering the development of innovations that can be replicated in the individual contexts of each organization" Moreno explained.
The Procasur representative indicated that the previous mapping of the organizations served to identify priorities and knowledge needs to guide the design of program activities, including the Learning Route.
In this regard, Dr. Moreira pointed out that this project is very important for FAO because a strong social base with organized small farmers is needed to fight food insecurity.
"We are working to create policies that transform food systems. We need more inclusive food systems, where youth and women play an important role," Dr. Moreira emphasized.
The Learning Route will take place until Saturday 26 November, with the objective of improving the associative and entrepreneurial capacities of family farmers in the country. It will also provide an opportunity to strengthen the country's small farmer organizations' associative, managerial and operational capabilities.
17 representatives from Farmers’ Organizations will participate in a continuous process that will take place directly in the field over the next five days, aiming to expand and diversify technical advisory services in the area, including and valuing the best experiences and knowledge of organizations, companies and Rural Champions in the country.
In Belize, four farmer organizations will host case studies and share their experiences and best practices in rural enterprise development from four farmer organizations in the country: The Valley of Peace Lagoon Farmer's Cooperative Society Ltd, Sabals Food Products, Corridgeree Belize Ltd, Hibiscus Mayan Arts & Craft Women's Cooperative.
José Negrón Valera Communications specialist [email protected]