Unlocking the potential
of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific



6 December 2021, Kigoma – Improved fish handling and processing, access to high-value markets and bridging the gender gap are crucial to make sprats, sardines and perch fisheries in Tanzania stronger, according to experts and stakeholders at a workshop today, discussing plans for a more sustainable and productive value chain.

“Tanzania is Lake Tanganyika’s principal producer of sardine, sprat and perch,” said Rashid Tamatamah, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Livestock...


25 August 2021, Kigoma – A two-day validation workshop was organized to present the results of a value chain analysis of Lake Tanganyika sardine, sprat and perch fisheries to stakeholders from the private and public sector, including the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries in the United Republic of Tanzania. Based on the analysis, workshop participants discussed how to best prioritize FISH4ACP interventions, such as improving fishing and processing methods and...


1 December 2020, Rome - Hundreds of people are being mobilized as FISH4ACP prepares a massive assessment of all the value chains targeted by this ambitious initiative aimed at improving fisheries and aquaculture in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Right from the start, partnership and capacity building prove to be key to FISH4ACP's success.

The first assessment kicked off in mid-November in Guyana. Guyana is the world's largest producer of...

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