Unlocking the potential
of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific



6 December 2022, Mpulungu, Zambia – The outcomes of an in-depth analysis of Zambia’s small pelagic sector were presented today to public and private sector stakeholders, gathering to discuss ways to make this fishery stronger and more sustainable in a bid to produce better food, reduce poverty and preserve Lake Tanganyika’s aquatic resources. 

 “Kapenta is an important source of healthy food for many people in Zambia and provides an income to...


11 November 2022, Mutare – Stakeholders from across Zimbabwe’s tilapia value chain rallied behind a plan to help the Southern African nation develop its tilapia aquaculture and promote opportunities for women, youth and marginalized groups without adding pressure on the environment.  

“Tilapia farming can be a driver of our countries’ inclusive growth,” said the Honorable J Masuka, Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development at an event today celebrating...


9 November 2022, Sao Tome – A stronger coastal pelagics value chain is key for food and nutrition security in the African island nation of Sao Tome and Principe, according to a ten-year upgrading strategy presented by FISH4ACP today to over 50 stakeholders and experts. It will also make the sector more profitable and promote responsible management to reverse declining catches.  

The strategy is the result of a sector-wide dialogue spearheaded...


9 November 2022, Majuro – Around 60 representatives of the tuna sector, government officials, financial partners and affiliated organizations rallied behind a ten-year plan to bring more added value of tuna fishing to the Marshall Islands and make this sector more sustainable – and start implementing plans to upgrade the Pacific Island nations’ tuna value chain. 

“Tuna accounts for almost all national fisheries production and exports from the Marshall Islands,” said...


3 November 2022, Santo Domingo – A ten-year development plan, presented by FISH4ACP to the fisheries sector today, aims to strengthen the mahi-mahi value chain in the Dominican Republic, while making sure that benefits are shared equitably and growth does not increase the burden on the environment.  

“Our priority is to modernize the fisheries sector, while improving the livehoods of fisherfolk and preserving the aquatic ecosystems on which our fisheries depend,”...


25 October 2022, Yaoundé – Over 50 stakeholders and experts, donor representatives and development partners today agreed on a long-term plan for a more sustainable shrimp sector which supports economic growth and livelihoods. The agreement marks the start of FISH4ACP’s activities in Cameroon aimed at unlocking the full potential of its marine shrimp value chain.   

“Shrimp is our main seafood export product and a major contributor to economic growth and...


30 September 2022, Kigoma – Meeting to discuss the progress of FISH4ACP in Tanzania, the Lake Tanganyika value chain task force backed a comprehensive package of measures to support Tanzania to strengthen its position as a main producer of Lake Tanganyika sardine, sprat and perch.  

Renovation of infrastructure will start at the Kibirizi fish-landing site in Kigoma, which faces immediate ice shortages. Work has also begun on more efficient and environmentally...


28 September 2022, Banjul – Sustainable growth of The Gambia’s oyster sector depends on better production and responsible resource management, according to an upgrading strategy presented to 50 experts and stakeholders today. It will improve the livelihoods of the women who dominate this small-scale sector and can turn the tide on declining oyster stocks. 

“This plan fits perfectly in Gambia’s ambition of making its fisheries more sustainable and improve the food...


27 July 2022, Kigoma – The Tanzanian Women Fish Workers Association (TAWFA) chapter for Lake Tanganyika was launched, with support from the FISH4ACP project in collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock in Fisheries.

The TAWFA chapter will lay the groundwork for greater gender equality across the Lake Tanganyika fisheries value chain and promote women's participation in fisheries activities. It will also serve as a platform for connecting with other potential opportunities through the...


29 June 2022, Banjul – Spurred by strong local demand, oyster production in The Gambia offers economic opportunity and social benefits, especially for women, according to an analysis presented today to experts and stakeholders, who discussed ways to reverse declining oyster stocks while improving safety and reducing the sector’s carbon footprint.   

“Mangrove oysters are a small-scale, artisanal sector with great value for the food security and livelihoods of women producers...

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