Food for the cities programme

Global Survey on Resilient City Region Food Systems


FAO, RUAF and CIRAD launched a global survey to identify effective responses to shocks and stresses that increase the resilience and sustainability of city region food systems. 

Over the past few years, global shocks have greatly disrupted food systems all over the world, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine crisis. They have added up to multiple other shocks and stresses already weighing on many food systems.

In view of this challenge, in collaboration with city networks, e.g. C40 Cities, ICLEI, Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), Resilient Cities Network, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), FAO designed a survey targeting all food system actors, including local governments.

FAO hopes that the survey can help to

1) better understand the most important impacts of the pandemic and other shocks and stresses on city region food system,

2) to identify concrete individual actions, collective initiatives, and public policies to capture the diversity of responses to these shocks and stresses, 

3) to identify the most important characteristics of city region food system that enabled these responses, and

4) to determine whether these individual or collective interventions contribute to increasing the resilience and sustainability of city region food system. 

The results of this survey will be used to draw lessons on building resilience of city region food systems to multiple shocks and stresses.

They will be widely disseminated to assist food system actors in developing innovative actions to support the resilience and sustainability of their food system.

The results will also be shared with the "Coalition on Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Food Systems" that emerged from the United Nations Food System Summit.

The survey is available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese

The survey is open to all local food system actors. To participate, please click here.

Please note that the survey is open until 15 July 2022.