Food for the cities programme






En tenant compte des contextes locaux, les collectivités locales ont un grand potentiel pour transformer la manière dont elles soutiennent la production et l'approvisionnement alimentaires. En analysant de manière exhaustive les défis et les opportunités du système alimentaire local et en reliant les forces de l'ensemble de la société, il existe désormais une réelle possibilité pour les villes et leurs territoires proches, de transformer une crise en une nouvelle ère plus prometteuse avec un système alimentaire plus résilient et un environnement plus sain. 




COVID-19 and the role of local food production in building more resilient local food systems


This policy brief highlighted that, local governments have great potential to transform the way they support food production and supply, there is now a real possibility for cities and surrounding regions to turn a crisis into a brighter new era with a more resilient food system and healthier environment. Cities have to diversify their food supplies and food sources, reinforcing local sources where possible, but without shutting off national and global supplies.


City region food system programme-Reinforcing rural-urban linkages for climate resilient food systems

The estimated 9 billion-world population by 2050 creates enormous challenges to conventional food production and food and nutrition security to face rapid urbanization trend and climate resilience. There is now a real demand to design resilient and sustainable city region food policies with strong rural-urban linkages, and implement activities with local stakeholders, including and emphasizing small-scale farmers, to scale up sustainable practices and improve the food system in a holistic manner.

Our world is urbanizing - Is food on your agenda?


Today, cities are growing exponentially, changing our world beyond recognition. If well managed, urbanization can provide plenty of opportunities for urban and rural dwellers: provide jobs, improve livelihoods, reduce inequality and decrease vulnerability to climate shocks. Well planned cities can also increase food security and counteract all forms of malnutrition.



 Sustainable crop and food systems in an urbanizing world

This 2 pages factsheet gives a brief overview on how sustainable crop production and food systems with strong rural urban linkages will be needed to achieve food security and nutrition goals by 2030.




In this document, FAO aims to present the objectives, activities and expected outcomes of its Food for the Cities Programme. First, it describes the context in which the project has been implemented, showing the relevance of the city region food systems approach. It then depicts the specific objectives and the 3-step methodology applied in the 5 pilot cities where FAO is providing assistance to local authorities.



FAO and the RUAF Foundation introduce their vision on City Region Food Systems (CRFS). This approach aims to foster the development of resilient and sustainable food systems within urban centres, peri-urban and rural areas surrounding cities, by strengthening rural-urban linkages. This vision builds on the need to better understand and operationalize the concept of City Region Food Systems as a basis for further planning and informed decision making. CRFS are assessed and characterized to identify gaps and bottlenecks, prioritize investments, and design sustainable food policies and strategies, thanks to multi-stakeholders participatory dialogues.