Food for the cities programme

Capacity-building for strengthening city region food system resilience

In the era of multiple shocks and stresses, local governments need to be engaged in building food system resilience alongside a broad range of other stakeholders across the food system. This webinar by FAO, RUAF, and MUFPP will showcase examples of cities that are already working to strengthen resilience, identifying how they have put actions in place and barriers they have overcome in the process. Each case study will highlight specific capacities that are needed by city officials and other stakeholders who are working, or will work, to build food systems resilience.

Building Resilient Urban Systems - Focus on Food security


The event was centered around the results of a global study conducted by FAO, RUAF and CIRAD, on lessons learnt from the impacts of multiple shocks and stresses on city region food systems, capturing interventions both as emergency measures and to build long-term resilience. The study also built an evidence base on how territorial food system approaches can help local governments with planning and investments to increase resilience to multiple risks, including climate change and pandemics.

The recording of the event is also available in French, Spanish and Chinese.

Launch of the City Region Food Systems Assessment and Planning Handbook and Toolkit

This event was organized to highlight the jointly launched City Region Food Systems (CRFS) Assessment and Planning Handbook and Online Toolkit by FAO and RUAF. These resources were developed based on the experiences of the CRFS Programme implemented in 11 cities across 10 countries since 2014 with the aim to build an understanding of the functioning of cities and food systems, assessing the risks and vulnerability to different types of shocks, engaging stakeholders in local food system governance, and promoting multi-stakeholder collaboration.