Food for the cities programme

Key outcomes

The main outcomes of the CRFS Scan comprise a consolidated report on the local context, CRFS characterization, policy review, institutional stakeholder analysis and priority setting.  A reporting outline is suggested here.  For communication purposes it can be useful to summarise key findings of the CRFS Scan in a Summary or Fact Sheet. An example is provided for Utrecht and for Medellín.

It is important to present information  visually as much as possible (e.g. in graphs, on maps) to allow for wider communication and discussion of findings. An example of a Toronto key food system data graph and food processing business cluster map is provided.  Such efforts also constitute ideal tools for (baseline) monitoring and visualisation of changes in the food system over time. Examples of reports and infographics developed for Melbourne are provided for further inspiration.

Next steps

Based on the CRFS Scan, the pilot cities planned next steps including identifying key data gaps and research needs.

The CRFS scan will also feed into a new/revised vision regarding the desired development of a more sustainable and resilient CRFS: what will a more sustainable/resilient CRFS city region look like? This includes reflections from different stakeholders on how a more sustainable/resilient CRFS can play a role in the realisation of existing strategic development plans and various policy objectives (see results from the Policy review) or the kind of developments in CRFS that will be supported or conditioned -and for which further data needs to be collected and policy strategies designed.

In Toronto, Colombo, Utrecht, Medellín, Kitwe and Lusaka, data gaps and research needs were addressed through an in-depth CRFS Assessment. In  Quito, the project team moved from the CRFS Scan to the Policy Support and Planning phase focusing on the design of strategies and policy approaches to increase the sustainability and resilience of the CRFS using policy co-design approaches that involve a wide range of stakeholders. This policy design process highlighted further research needs and thus also guided subsequent CRFS Assessment.