Food for the cities programme

Action planning work plan and workshop preparation

The project coordinator (or project team) may find it helpful to draw up a detailed workplan at the outset of the Action planning module. The process can be complex, since it takes place over several months and involves many stakeholders in various different working groups. 

The action planning work plan can include, for example: 

  • an agenda for the multistakeholder workshop; 
  • allocation of budget to different activities;
  • timing and planning of working group meetings;
  • identification of non-financial resources that will be needed; 
  • assigned tasks to project team members. 

The project coordinator may also prepare for the multistakeholder workshop by reviewing information on governance of the CRFS, and reviewing the action planning experiences of other city regions. 


The following resources will help with drawing up an action planning work plan and workshop preparation: 

Example: Action planning work plan 

This example can help the project team to develop a workplan before starting the action planning. 

CRFS pilot city process reports 

[Available soon] 


Training unit 10: Action planning 

This training unit provides guidance on activities during the initial action planning workshop, as well as the extended action planning process to further develop action ideas, roadmaps to put them in place and implement them, and outreach and engagement plans.