The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism


Capacity development enables relevant stakeholders to improve their knowledge and abilities related to many aspects of forest and landscape restoration. This module provides access to training programmes, learning courses and other extension materials, and has been developed in the context of the GEF6 funded program “The Restoration Initiative”.

The Partners to the Collaborative Roadmap

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  • FAO
  • IUCN
  • UNEP
  • GEF
This toolkit has been written to assist community groups and restoration practitioners record details of their revegetation projects, assess their condition and monitor their outcomes for biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Additionally, the methods presented here can also be applied to other situations where there is a need to monitor and evaluate change in forest ecosystems, including assessment of the extent of degradation or recovery within remnant forest.
Keywords: Assisted regeneration, Biodiversity, Carbon, Community, Degradation
Category: Capacity development, Monitoring & Evaluation
Type: Guidance and methods, Learning and capacity development
Scale: Local
Dimension: Management
Organization: RRRC - Reef & Rainforest Research Centre
Year of publication: 2010
The project aims at encouraging stakeholders to manage/restore Mediterranean woodlands to ensure a sustainable provision of goods and services by these ecosystems. To achieve the main aim of the project, several specific targets have been identified: Integrate climate change impacts in forest policies by providing information and tools related to forests vulnerability and adaptation capacities; • Assess the economic and social values of goods and services rendered by Mediterranean wooded ecosystems, to support decision-making processes and promote the integration among sectoral policies; • Improve governance of woodlands at territorial scale through participation of stakeholders in the conception and implementation of strategies aimed at reducing the pressures on ecosystems; • Optimize and value the mitigation function of Mediterranean forests with methodological tools to value local efforts of ecosystems protection/restoration; • Strengthen coordination and exchanges of experiences among stakeholders in the region: coordination and communication through the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF); • Promote the specificity of Mediterranean forests to the international community and particularly in the context of international negotiations on climate change.
Keywords: Agriculture, Carbon, Climate change, Data collection, Degradation, Land use change, Mapping
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities, Capacity development
Type: Guidance and methods, Learning and capacity development
Scale: Regional
Dimension: Biophysical, Management
Organization: Silva Medetirranea
Year of publication:
Do you know that Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Change (AFOLU) as a whole is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gas (GHG)? Are you also aware that AFOLU, uniquely, also contribute to carbon sequestration as co-benefits through productive and sustainable landscape management? GHG accounting in the AFOLU sectors is an important indicator and integral to the design and planning of landscape interventions. The EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT), developed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), is a useful tool for estimating GHG emissions and carbon sequestration in AFOLU projects.
Keywords: Agriculture, Carbon, Climate change, Land use change, Sustainable land management
Category: Capacity development
Type: Learning and capacity development
Scale: Global
Dimension: Governance & Participation
Organization: Terrafrica
Year of publication:
Monitoring is important in implementing Afforestation and Reforestation projects under the Clean Development Mechanism, known as the CDM. This e-Learning course presents the methods for carbon monitoring in these projects.
Keywords: Carbon, Climate change, Forest resources
Category: Capacity development, Monitoring & Evaluation
Type: Learning and capacity development
Scale: Global
Dimension: Governance & Participation
Organization: Terrafrica
Year of publication:
This World Bank/TerrAfrica documentary showcases Ethiopia's success in sustainable land and water management. It highlights how a landscape approach was used to manage land, water and forest resources to meet the goals of food security and inclusive green growth. The lessons drawn are relevant for other countries in the region and other parts of the world fighting land degradation and climate change issues.
Keywords: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate change, Community, Degradation, Livestock, Natural regeneration, Resilience, Sustainability, Sustainable land management
Category: Capacity development, Implementation of restoration
Type: Case studies, Learning and capacity development
Scale: National, Local
Dimension: Management
Organization: Terrafrica
Year of publication: 2014
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