The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Toward a regional Strategy and an Action Plan on Forest and Landscape Restoration for the Asia-Pacific region

From 22/07/2016 to

Location: German room - FAO Headquarter in Rome, Italy (09:00-11:00)

During the Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2016 held in the Philippines, a high-level consultation was organized on regional initiatives on Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) to initiate a discussion on the preparation of a regional Action Plan. Most country-representatives recognized the importance of FLR issues and proposed to continue the dialogue on this regional Action Plan during the 23rd session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO).

At the 26th Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC), an agenda item on FLR was discussed, and member States recommended to FAO to support the preparation of this regionally shared vision and Action Plan on FLR. Based on this recommendation, the FLR-Mechanism group and FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific decided to prepare a draft strategy and an action plan for further discussion during COFO.

By building on current regional dynamics on Forest and Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific region, this side event will provide an opportunity to present and discuss the draft strategy and action plan on FLR in order to move forward on coordinated action on forest and landscape restoration in the region.

 For more information contact Christophe Besacier ([email protected]).