The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Digital Summit: Restoring Ecosystems, Reviving Hope

From 11/06/2019 to 11/06/2019

Location: Online

The restoration of forests and other natural ecosystems remains one of our most effective strategies for solving the climate and biodiversity emergency. Ecosystem restoration can secure the well-being of 3.2 billion people currently threatened by ecosystem degradation while also sequestering carbon and enhancing resilience to anticipated climate threats. Despite the wave of global commitments and agreements (e.g. Paris agreement, Bonn Challenge, AFR 100, Initiative 20x20), degradation continues to be a pervasive, systemic phenomenon in all parts of the globe.

But there is hope on the horizon for scaling up restoration action. The recently declared UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 is a rallying cry to acknowledge nature as a key climate solution while emerging lessons from practitioners and new science offer us pathways forward. Join this Digital Summit to answer these key questions:

  • Why should we restore? Learn how the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration can be a catalyst to transform humanity's relationship with nature.
  • Where are the best areas to restore? Hear from Dr. Thomas Crowther, Chief Scientific Advisor to UN Trillion Trees Campaign, and Dr. Jean-Francois Bastin from ETH Zurich on novel methodologies to explore global potential of tree restoration.
  • How do we prioritize restoration on a country-level? Explore how UN Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO) works with countries to identify suitable land for afforestation and reforestation activities for climate impact.
  • What do we restore? Discuss the role of mosaic landscapes, plantations, and natural forests to carbon stock enhancement.

DATE & TIME: 11 June. 11:00 CEST



  • Mathilde Iweins, Expert on ecosystem services and local finance, FAO
  • Thomas Crowther, Chief Scientific Advisor to UN Trillion Trees Campaign, Professor ETH Zurich

  • Jean-François Bastin, Postdoctoral Researcher ETH Zurich, Crowther Lab

  • Tim Christophersen, Head of Freshwater, Land and Climate Branch, UN Environment

  • Julian Fox, Team Leader, National Forest Monitoring, FAO

The session is organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.

For more information, click here.