The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Webinar on "Payments for Ecosystem Services to support Forest and Landscape Restoration"

From 26/03/2020 to

Location: Online webinar

FAO and the WWF Landscape Finance Lab are happy to invite all to the new online knowledge-sharing forum: “Payments for Ecosystem Services to support Forest and Landscape Restoration.”

This webinar will introduce the key principles and concept of PES and its role in providing finance for FLR impact on the ground. Through a practitioners’ lens, speakers will share examples of PES implementation to support FLR outcomes. Key roles for different landscape actors and stakeholders in designing and implementing PES will be discussed, together with the opportunities and risks associated with PES.

Dr Beria Leimona, Senior Expert Landscape Governance and Finance at ICRAF
Dr Pham Thu Thuy, Senior Scientist at CIFOR

The webinar is part of a series on finance to support FLR within the Community of Practice (CoP) for Local Finance for Forest and Landscape Restoration. This CoP aims to support the exchange of experiences between members, and build capacity and a network for practitioners to finance the implementation of FLR on the ground at landscape level.

An online discussion will kick off on 12 March 2020 and last for two weeks after the webinar. Questions for speakers are welcome as well as sharing of your own experiences with implementing PES on the ground. Please connect online to the CoP to join the discussions.

This virtual event will be hosted on Zoom. Register here!