The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

The second project steering committee meeting for GEF-6 restoration of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya

From 02/07/2020 to

Location: Online

The Second Steering Committee Meeting for the project GEF-6 restoration of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya through bio-enterprise development and other incentives will be held on 2 July 2020. The event aims to review, amend and endorse the Project Implementation Report (PIR) for the period 2019-2020, the Annual Work Plan and Budget for 2020-2021 of the project and other requests from the Project Management Unit (PMU).

The meeting will be an occasion to:

  • Discuss and approve the project implementation report 2019-2020;
  • Discuss and approve 2020-2021 annual work plan and budget;
  • Discuss and approve additional sources of co-financing;
  • Discuss and approve requests from the Project Management Unit on some proposed changes in the project activities
  • Discuss and endorse road maps for the development of: a forest and landscape restoration implementation plan for Kenya, Forest (Equitable Benefit Sharing) Regulations and a strategy for sustainable commercialization of non –timber forest products;
  • Discuss and approve the composition and TORS for the forest and landscape restoration steering and coordinating committees.

For more information please contact: Benjamin De Ridder