The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

A future towards ecosystem restoration: the 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration

From 26/09/2023 to 30/09/2023

Location: Darwin, Australia

The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism team (FLRM) will participate in the 10th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, which will take place from 26-30 September 2023 in Darwin, Australia. 

The FLRM team will (co) lead four sessions together to encourage FLR implementation strategies and projects for the flourishing of ecological integrity and human well-being. These events will allow participants to gain insight on the importance of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating restoration initiatives and challenges undertaken at the national and regional levels. 

The first session, to which the FLRM will contribute will be hosted on 27 September 2023 at 10:30 (UTC+9:30) - The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: best practices for repairing ecological integrity and enhancing human wellbeing. The UN Decade has continuously taken part in developing a common vision of ecosystem restoration. To that end, the session will be the occasion to present the final version of the Standards of Practice to guide ecosystem restoration, which provide best practices to assess, plan, implement, maintain, monitor and evaluate restoration projects in order to maximize benefits for nature and people.

The following session will be carried out on 27 September 2023 at 14:00 (UTC+9:30) - Achieving the vision of the UN Decade: Key capacity development initiatives to foster and enhance ecosystem restoration. In support of the UN Decade, Capacity, Knowledge, and Learning Action Plan was developed by the FAO-led Task Force on Best Practices, based on the results of a global capacity assessment conducted in 2021. This session will touch base on ongoing efforts and opportunities for collaboration in the implementation of the eight capacity development initiatives part of this action plan.

The third event will take place on 28 September 2023 at 16:00 (UTC+9:30) - Knowledge sharing session on good forest and landscape restoration practices in the Pacific Islands. This session will offer collaboration from the FLRM team and the International Climate Initiative (IKI) to gain insight on ecosystem restoration with Pacific Island Partners and share results on the enabling environment and activities on the ground when successfully implementing restoration initiatives in countries such as the Philippines, Fiji and Vanuatu.

The fourth event will take place on 29 September 2023 at 9:30 (UTC+9:30) - The Restoration Initiative Program: experience from the field to scale up forest and landscape restoration. The Restoration Initiative (TRI) has worked in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility, FAO and the UNEP with 10 other Asian and African countries, who have transformed restoration ambitions into action-based results. The event will bring country policy makers and practitioners together to share Forest and Landscape Restoration best practices and knowledge across a variety of landscapes and ecosystems. 

The SER Conference highlights how ecosystem restoration not only impacts the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, but also prospers the well-being and livelihood of people living within those ecosystems. 

For any questions, please email [email protected].