Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages

Towards a regional Strategy and an Action Plan on Forest and Landscape Restoration for the Asia-Pacific region


Building on the global momentum for large scale restoration of degraded landscapes and the ambitious objectives set by the APEC sub-region, Asia Pacific countries engaged during the 2016 Asia Pacific Forestry Week into fruitful discussions that concurred on the need for a regional strategy for Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) to support their dynamic. Following extensive consultation with 14 Asia-Pacific countries and 24 agencies and organizations, a preliminary draft of strategy was elaborated with the support of FAO and APFNet.


COFO 23 was the occasion to present that draft strategy and the regional FLR context and initiatives during a side event entitled "Towards a regional strategy and an action plan for FLR in the Asia-Pacific region". The wide audience, including Country Representatives from the region and beyond -Representatives of India and the Republic of Korea-, Regional networks and Development Partners, with, amongst others, Bioversity, WRI, CIFOR, Afoco, and APFNet had the opportunity to provide useful feedback and insights regarding the regional dynamics.


Again, the interest for and importance of a regional initiative was highlighted by the participants and the panelists. Continued engagement of countries and consultation with the wide range of land-use sectors into that process was encouraged, with a view to submit a collectively owned and recognized Regional Strategy by the next Asia Pacific Forestry Commission, by the end of 2017, but also to the next FAO regional conference, to ensure full support from the agriculture sector.


You may consult the agenda of the side event at this link: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5879e.pdf