El Mecanismo para la Restauración de Bosques y Paisajes

Fourth meeting of the Task Force on Best Practices - UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

From 24/09/2020 to


Online meeting - 3:00 p.m. (CEST)

The Task Force on Best practices is a group of 30 global leading organizations in the field of knowledge capitalization and dissemination in support to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030. Led by FAO, this group is in charge of setting the ground for future efforts on knowledge capitalization and dissemination as well as identification of new knowledge products.

The main objective of this virtual event is to examine with participants the template and process for collection of good practices adapt it them to regional necessities and present an update on the capacity needs assessment process. 

The meeting will be an opportunity to review the “Draft report: Sharing and disseminating good practices in the UN-DER”, which includes relevant concepts and definitions, presents a stocktaking of existing efforts for knowledge dissemination and the potential template’s structure and process of validation and dissemination of good practices. 

In order to facilitate consensus on several topics addressed in the previous report, a survey was sent to all Task Force members and results will be shared and discussed with the attendees of the meeting.

For more information contact Faustine Zoveda