El Mecanismo para la Restauración de Bosques y Paisajes

Enhancing cooperation on Forest and Landscape Restoration, A flagship mechanism funded by the Korea Forest Service within FAO

From 04/05/2022 to

Location: Seoul, South Korea

The XV World Forestry Congress side event, Enhancing cooperatrion on Forest and Lanscape Restoration, A flagship mechanism funded by the Korea Forest Service within FAO, will take place on 4 May 2022 at 18:30-20:00 (KST). Register here!

This session will be the occasion to present and discuss a few key achievements of the project in several targeted countries. Each country will give an overview of past or currently implemented activities and future perspectives. The session will close by presenting knowledge products developed with the key support of KFS and by the official presentation of the Korean version of the forestry journal Unasylva 252: Restoring the Earth - The next decade.