El Mecanismo para la Restauración de Bosques y Paisajes

Exchange visits on forest and landscape restoration - Morocco and Italy

From 23/05/2022 to 27/05/2022

Location: Morocco

Exchange visits coordinated with The International Association of Mediterranean Forests (AIFM), between Italy and Morocco are currently taking place in Morocco, in the Talassemtane National Park and Ifrane Model Forest, from 23 to 27 May 2022.

Exchange visits between countries of the Mediterranean basin that allow experts to go into detail about field experiences for forest and landscape restoration have been organized within the framework of the Mediterranean regional component of the project "The Paris Agreement in Action: Scaling up Forest and Landscape Restoration to Implement Nationally Determined Contributions" of the Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

These visits will work toward preparing the ground for scaling up restoration by creating more favourable conditions and showcasing appropriate technologies and methods to achieve national and global restoration targets (NDCs, Aichi Targets, Bonn Challenge, Sustainable Development Goals) and to generate major benefits not only in terms of carbon but also of other kinds (water, biodiversity, livelihoods, etc.).

A second visit will be organized in September/October 2022 in Italy, at the Fiorentine Mountain Model Forest.