El Mecanismo para la Restauración de Bosques y Paisajes

Second Advisory Group meeting of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

From 19/07/2016 to

Location: India Room - FAO headquater in Rome, Italy (08:30-17:30)

The Advisory Group of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) meets every year to provide guidance to FAO for the work carried out by the FLRM. During the first meeting of the Advisory Group held in July 2015 it was proposed to organize the second meeting on the occasion of COFO 2016 (See report of the first Advisory Group held on 2 July 2015).
The meeting will be an opportunity to involve colleagues from FAO Regional Offices (RAP, RAF and RNE) and representatives of the selected countries currently receiving FLRM support (Guatemala, Peru, Rwanda, Cambodia, Philippines and Lebanon) in the discussions concerning the FLRM work plans for the period 2016-2017. It will also be an opportunity to discuss with partners the implementation of the support provided by the FLRM at country level and in the context of the regional initiatives in Latin America, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Mediterranean (See reports and documents of the first meeting of the Advisory Group held in July 2015).
During this second Advisory Group session we will discuss mainly:
  1. the status of implementation of the FLRM Work Plan presented last year for the period July 2015-July 2016 with key information on the multiple actions achieved since July 2015 both at global/regional and country levels and discussion on the updated Work Plan to be proposed by the FLRM team for the period July 2016 – July 2017;
  2. the situation concerning financial resources mobilization efforts from July 2015 to July 2016;
  3. the current involvement of the FLRM in several regional initiatives/dynamics recently  launched on FLR (e.g. Initiative 20x20, AFR 100, Asia-Pacific Action Plan and the Mediterranean dynamic);
  4. the upcoming strategic events requiring coordinated efforts of several Advisory Group members to draw attention on FLR issues (IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, UNFCCC COP 22 in Morocco, the Global Landscapes Forum, CDB COP 13 in Mexico, etc.);
Taking advantage of the presence in Rome during COFO of representatives of several FAO Regional Offices and country delegates from Cambodia, Guatemala, Lebanon, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda and Uganda, an “enlarged” session of the Advisory Group will be organized on Tuesday morning for the discussion on the level of implementation of the FLRM support provided at country level (National Work Plans 2016-2018).