El Mecanismo para la Restauración de Bosques y Paisajes


Basándose en el lema del Día Internacional de las Montañas "Restaurar los ecosistemas de montaña", una sesión técnica virtual presentó buenas prácticas y casos de éxito de iniciativas de restauración...

The Restoration Initiative project spoke to Brigitte Agbasso, 52, in Central African Republic. She is a widow and group leader in the community of Yobé and lives in Mona Sao. She cultivates her farm every year, working on one hectare...


The caisse de résilience approach revolves around farming and pastoralist communities, connecting and integrating productive, financial and social activities, which involve technical services provided and carried out by NGOs, as well as rural community members. This approach is appropriate for...


The Restoration Initiative (TRI) project in Sao Tome and Principe’s investments are helping to boost a responsible economy based on the restoration, conservation and sustainable management of forest landscapes and farmlands. 

António Camuenha Alberto, an ecoguide and friend of biodiversity,...


Thousands of Kenyans including men, women, and young people joined in person (400 walkers) and virtually in a 10-kilometre walk on 19 th November 2022, which was organised by the ILMAMUSI Community Forest Association (CFA) in Mukogodo.

Mukogodo Forest is the...